Monday, September 5, 2011

Baby boy is on the move…

Wow, seems like I just posted about baby girl being on the move, where do the days go?  Last night Pappaw and Austin were playing on the floor and he just took off crawling. Time to baby proof the house again!DSC_0604 DSC_0603

I decided to take today’s pictures right after bath time, most days the kids have two baths  because we love messy fun at our house.  Ava is usually “decorated” in chalk, markers, food – she is my sou chef and helps cook every meal and snack.  So here’s to squeaky clean kiddos. (I had to cut this hug off because it was getting progressively tighter and Ava’s smile was turning into a mischievous giggle, Austin seemed to think it was funny… )

“I Love you a bushel and a peck and a HUG AROUND THE NECK!”


And here’s to working on hugging around the chest and not around the neck! 


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