Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Ava’s first recital

The day has come!  Ava is now taking lessons from the best piano teacher you will ever find! Seriously, I know I may seem biased because Ditty is my mom but she is crazy talented and  her students over the years have loved her so much.  She cares so deeply about all her students and has a way to makes music a part of who you are, goes way deeper than just piano theory… her passion and love of music is down right contagious!  Ditty was actually my first piano teacher too.  Okay I could go on all day but lets get to some pictures!  Ava started taking just in time for the Christmas recital, Ava and Ditty did  Jingle Bells as a duet, Ava sang and played bells to the beat with Ditty on the piano.  (Ava has tossed her headband and dress shoes and they were mia at the time, ha)

piano 3


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