Thursday, January 12, 2012

Piano Lessons

Oh piano lessons, let me tell you I am so thrilled that Ditty is teaching Ava!  Here they are at her last lesson, learning right hand/left hand, and finger numbers.  Ditty is having a spring recital and the goal is to have Ava play something on those keys! So I think Ditty’s hands look angelic in this picture huh with the gold halo! Ha, still trying to figure out camera settings, pictures are a little hazy but Ditty and Ava are my Angels so it is sure fitting! In the picture below Ditty was showing Ava how to play her first notes on the black keys.  Instead of playing three black keys Ava busted out singing her ABC’S and let her little fingers dance up and down that keyboard in her own little way.

Ava sure loves Ditty, it is all over this sweet expression.


Check out little man in the background, future student?


Right hand, left hand.


Ta-Da! What a great lesson, thanks Ditty! (Ditty has the patience of a saint!) Watching the lesson was a little like watching the hog tying race at the rodeo, that girl was all over the place!  Ditty was so sweet and calm and just kept directing her attention back to being focused again. Thank you Ditty!

mom and ava

Little boy loves his music too!  He usually bops his little body to songs or waves his left hand in the air.


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