Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

This year Greg smoked a turkey, he did a great job because it was super yummy!   Here is a picture of daddy’s other turkey (one of his many nick-names for Ava)  Check out this bubble dress, made by Dee-Dah, LOVE it!


Way to go Greg, smoked turkey turned out perfectly!


I think Ava’s main objective in helping me cook is getting the privilege of licking the bowls!  She was a wonderful helper.


Austin’s FIRST thanksgiving! 


Here “we” are last Thanksgiving- including Austin who was still cookin’-  what a difference a year can make!


Baylor was never far behind whoever had the turkey!  Paps gave her a few little pieces, how could someone resist that sweet hopeful face?!


Every Thanksgiving growing up we had decorated turkey cookies from Roselyn Bakery or Taylor bakery in Indiana. This year I decided to make the cookies myself, can’t get them from Indy, and they turned out just terribly!  I tried a combo of buttercream and royal icing and it was way too thick to use in my decorating bags.  I had already colored and bagged the 7 different colors of icing and didn’t want to remix it one by one to thin it out. I also ran out of brown icing so I put a layer of  Nutella on as icing too, hmmmm.  Ava had fun and that was ALL that mattered!


Ditty made the best apple pie I’ve ever had, she put a praline topping on it and it was “G”- Double-“O”- “D” good! 


So precious…..


We got most of the Christmas decorating done over the weekend.  Ava make me giggle because she was in her own little world stringing the lights on the tree.  She made up a song about Jesus decorating a tree, sound familiar to Jesus loves me? Winking smile 

“Yes Jesus put up the “Wights”


Singing away….DSC_0104DSC_0098DSC_0100DSC_0101DSC_0102

Love my girl!!


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