Friday, June 24, 2011

Superhero day!


This past Thursday was Superhero Day at school and Ava got to dress up as her favorite superhero!  Of course we dressed up as Buzz Lightyear (totally wore our Buzz pajamas).  The character’s signature line from the movie is “To infinity and beyond” and somehow that has turned into Ava saying “Buzz Lightyear to the rescummme!”  She was excited to wear her jammies to school and had a good car ride there.  She is precious, she was optimistically reassuring herself from the backseat “I’m not going to cry, you will always come get me, I’m a BIG girl.”   As we walked down the hall to her classroom she was truly trying to hold it together whimpering “I’m not going to cry mommy,”  so brave.  She did end up crying when I left but her teacher said she does pretty well during the day.  On Tuesday Ms. Linda (we have a new teacher) said that about 30 minutes before pickup time Ava got her backpack and lunchbox out of her cubby and stood by the door waiting for me with a big smile and proudly announcing “My mommy will ALWAYS come get me, she is coming to get me from school.”  The funny part is as eager as she is to leave she raves about school all the way home.  She tells me all about her friends “Kafrine” (Katherine) and Ty and sings me the new songs from that day.  All in all it is still hard to drop her off but I think it is a good thing for her to socialize with the other kiddos.  The summer session is over at the end of July and she will start up the mother’s day out fall program on Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:00-2:00 in September so this is a good way to get acclimated.  Love my sweet girl!


Sarah Beth said...

I can't get over how sweet she is! What a big girl, giving herself a pep talk, she really is so brave! I bet you just melted hearing that she waited for you at the door those 30 minutes! Such a sweetie!!

Sarah Beth said...

OH and that little model pose! With her hand on her hip and all! So precious!!

Katie and Justin Cox said...

Sweet Ava... I mean Buzz... she looked adorable with her little bow and piggies... oh my! She is a brave girl and it will only get easier!! Proud of you Momma for sticking it out!!