Monday, December 14, 2009

One year pics!

How time flies!! I finally got around to taking Ava in for her one year pictures. Being weeks away from Christmas we did her Christmas pictures too. We actually had to go twice because Ava was having too much fun the first time. She spent most of the appointment running around the set (literally running crazy fast) and then for the Christmas shoot she was fixated on the ornaments on the tree and wanting to pull them off. I sure love my baby girl, boy does she have a little mischief in her eyes lately. She can be the sweetest cuddle bug, but when she is moving she doesn't stop... seriously, for hours she runs circles around the house yelling "Ahhhhhh" ! I love her spunk for sure though!


The Witbecks said...

She is SO adorable!

Katie and Justin Cox said...

Gina!! I love those pictures of Ava... ALL of them... I am loving her sense of style with her denim skirt and Ug boots... she is so hip! We are getting to that running around and screaming age, aren't we?! :) I know we keep saying it... but really, I need some Gina time!! And Caden needs some Ava time too! :)