Sunday, February 1, 2009

Today is a SPECIAL day!

Today was Ava's first trip to our church. Since she was born in the midst of flu season, we've avoided big crowds until now. She is almost four months, so I figured we were good to go!
Ava hadn't eaten or slept in the five hours preceeding service, so I expected her to have a bottle and sleep through the sermon. Not so! She LOVED big church. She looked around the entire time. She refused to lay down or snuggle, she sat up not wanting to miss a thing. She only made a few baby coos, no crying or fussing. Way to go!
Today was also extra special because we got to sit by Aunt Cass and Ben too!
What a great Sunday Morning!

1 comment:

Katie and Justin Cox said...

Yay for big church! I am so glad y'all were able to go! I miss it so much! Ava looks like she is ready for a Hoe-Down! :)